3 Reasons I Love to Paint Irish Landscapes

3 Reasons I Love to Paint Irish Landscapes

Fiona McKenna

1: Memories from my Childhood

I grew up on a small family farm in Co. Tyrone, surrounded by fields and a forest full of wildlife, with the River Blackwater running under the bridge at the end of our lane. Growing up in the rural countryside has most definitely led to my appreciation of the outdoors and nature.

My memories of places are most definitely linked to my memories of people. My landscapes are more than just a scene - they are about capturing a memory and a moment in time.


2: The Joy of Coming Home

I travelled to various countries across the world over a number of years, but I was always drawn back to the calmness, stillness and beauty of home.

I think that a connection with home is treasured more when you come back after being away. I create expressive paintings to emulate the sense of belonging I feel in familiar surroundings.

My vibrant landscape collection reflect uplifting, happy and joyful feelings.


3: Unique Landscapes

I love exploring the Irish scenery - whether that be the mountains of
Killarney, winding roads in Co. Donegal or the everyday simple beauty in the landscapes closer to home in Co. Tyrone. Each county in Ireland offers something unique and different so inspiration is everywhere!         

My vibrant landscape collection features velvety greens, vibrant yellows, and splashes of pink to replicate the shifting light in the magical Irish countryside. 

Have a look through my landscapes here. I hope you will enjoy the journey my paintings take you on into your own memories, or vision, of Ireland.

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